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Referenser och regelverk

    Innehållet är grundat på beprövad erfarenhet, lagar, regelverk, nationella riktlinjer och med stöd från relevanta vetenskapliga studier.  

    1. Mc Farland M.. Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing: Concepts, Theories, Research and Practice. 4th Ed.. New York: Mc Graw Hill, Medical Publ.; 2018.
    2. Wikberg A, Eriksson K. Vårdande ur ett transkulturellt perspektiv [doktorsavhandling]. Vasa: Åbo akademi; 2003.
    3. Hjelm K. Migration, health and diabetes mellitus : studies comparing foreign- and Swedish-born diabetic subjects living in Sweden [doktorsavhandling]. Lund: Lunds Universitet; 1998.
    4. Helman C. Culture, health and illness. London: Butterworth & Co; 2015.
    5. Berger PL, Luckmann T. The social construction of reality : a treatise in the sociology of knowledge. London. Penguin Books: 1991;
    6. Kleinman A. Patients and healers in the context of culture : an exploration of the borderland between anthropology, medicine and psychiatry. Berkeley: University of California Press; 1980.
    7. Hjelm K, Bard K, Nyberg P, Apelqvist J. Religious and cultural distance in beliefs about health and illness in diabetic women of different origin living in Sweden. Int J Nurs Stud. 2003;40:627-43.
    8. Hjelm K, Bard K, Nyberg P, Apelqvist J. Beliefs about health and diabetes in men with diabetes mellitus of different origin living in Sweden. J Adv Nurs. 2005;50(1):47-59.
    9. Hjelm K, Bard K, Apelqvist J. Gestational diabetes: prospective interview-study of the developing beliefs about health, illness and health care in migrant women. J Clin Nurs. 2012;21(21-22):3244-56.
    10. Hjelm K, Bard K, Apelqvist J. A qualitative study of developing beliefs about health, illness and healthcare in migrant African women with gestational diabetes living in Sweden. BMC Womens Health. 2018;18(1):34.
    11. Habermas J. The theory of communicative action. Vol. 2, Lifeworld and system: a critique of functionalist reason. Cambridge: Polity Press; 1987.
    12. Samuelsson J. Islamisk medicin. Lund: Studentlitteratur; 2001.
    13. Hanssen I, Lindqvist B. Omvårdnad i ett mångkulturellt samhälle. 3. uppl. Lund: Studentlitteratur; 2007.
    14. Alsalik W. Handläggning och behandling av diabetes under Ramadan. Personser med väl kontrollerad typ 2 diabetes utan komplikationer kan välja att fasta. Läkartidningen. 2022;119:
    15. Chalanda M. Brokerage in multicultural nursing. Int Nurs Rev. 1995;42(1):19-22, 26.
    16. Rosenstock IM, Strecher VJ, Becker MH. Social learning theory and the Health Belief Model. Health Educ Q. 1988;15(2):175-83.
    17. Hjelm K, Bard K, Berntorp K, Apelqvist J. Beliefs about health and illness postpartum in women born in Sweden and the Middle East. Midwifery. 2009;25(5):564-75.
    18. Hjelm K, Berntorp K, Apelqvist J. Beliefs about health and illness in Swedish and African-born women with gestational diabetes living in Sweden. J Clin Nurs. 2012;21(9-10):1374-86.
    19. Hjelm K, Bard K, Apelqvist J. Beliefs about health and illness in Latin-American Migrants living in Sweden. Open Nurs J. 2013;5(7):57-65.
    20. Bandura A. Self-efficacy in changing societies. New York: Cambridge University Press; 1997.
    21. Hofstede G. Culture's consequences : comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations. 2. ed. London: Sage Publications; 2001.
    22. Hultsjö S, Hjelm K. Immigrants in emergency care: Swedish health care staff's experiences. Int Nurs Rev. 2005;52(4):276-85.
    23. Hultsjo S, Bertero C, Hjelm K. Perceptions of psychiatric care among foreign- and Swedish-born people with psychotic disorders. J Adv Nurs. 2007;60(3):279-88.
    24. Hultsjo S, Bertero C, Hjelm K. Foreign-born and Swedish-born families' perceptions of psychosis care. Int J Ment Health Nurs. 2009;18(1):62-71.
    25. Hultsjo S, Bertero C, Arvidsson H, Hjelm K. Core components in the care of immigrants with psychoses: a Delphi survey of patients, families, and health-care staff. Int J Ment Health Nurs. 2011;20(3):174-84.
    26. Hjelm K, Isacsson Å, Apelqvist J. Healthcare professionals' perceptions of beliefs about health and illness in migrants with diabetes mellitus. Practical Diabetes International. 1998;15(8):233-7.
    27. Albin B. Morbidity and mortality among foreign-born Swedes [doktorsavhandling]. Lund: Lunds Universitet; 2006.
    28. Albin B, Hjelm K, Elmståhl S. Comparison of Stroke Mortality in Finnish-Born Migrants Living in Sweden 1970-1999 and in Swedish-Born Individuals. J Immigr Minor Health. 2014;16(1):18-23.
    29. Kammarkollegiet. God tolksed [Internet]. Stockholm: Kammarkollegiet; 2018 [reviderad mars 2019; citerad 2021-08-24]. Hämtad från: https://www.kammarkollegiet.se/download/18.27f1fe4c168c1d817515205f/1551777027993/God_tolksed_mars2019.pdf
    30. Gerrish K, Chau R, Sobowale A, Birks E. Bridging the language barrier: the use of interpreters in primary care nursing. Health Soc Care Community. 2004;12(5):407-13.
    31. Hadziabdic E, Lundin C, Hjelm K. Boundaries and conditions of interpretation in multilingual and multicultural elderly healthcare. BMC Health Services Research. 2015;15:458.
    32. Lundin C, Hadziabdic E, Hjelm K. Language interpretation conditions and boundaries in multilingual and multicultural emergency healthcare. BMC Int Health Hum Rights. 2018;18(1):23:s12914-018-0157-3.
    33. Hadziabdic E, Hjelm K. Working with interpreters: practical advice for use of an interpreter in healthcare. Int J Evid Based Healthc. 2013;11(1):69-76.
    34. Hadziabdic E, Hjelm K. Arabic-speaking migrants' attitudes, opinions, preferences and past experiences concerning the use of interpreters in healthcare: a postal cross-sectional survey. BMC Res Notes. 2014;3(7):71.
    35. Hadziabdic E. The use of interpreter in healthcare. Perspectives of individuals, healthcare staff and families [doktorsavhandling]. Växjö: Linnéuniversitetet; 2011.
    36. Locke DC. Increasing multicultural understanding : a comprehensive model. 3. ed. London: Sage Publications; 2014.
    37. Hodes M. Vostanis P.. Practitioner Review: Mental health problems of refugee children and adolescents and their management.. J Child Psychol Psychiatry.. 2019;60(7):716-731.
    38. Möller N, Petrini I, Gustavsson U. Krig, tortyr och flykt: Vad gör det med människan och hur kan vi hjälpa. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur; 2017.


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