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Referenser och regelverk

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  10. Hui-Shan Neo, Khemlani, M.H., Sim. L.K, Seah. A.S.T.. Winged metal needles versus plastic winged and nonwinged cannulae for subcutaneous infusions in palliative care: A quality improvement Project to enhance patient care and Medical staff safety in a Singaporean hospital. Journal of Palliative medicine. 2016;vol 19, no 3:318-322.
  11. Bartz, L., Klein, C., Seifert, A., Herget, I., Ostgathe, C., and Stiel, S.. Subcutaneous Administration of Drugs in Palliative Care: Results of a Systematic Observational Study. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2014;48 (4):540-547.
  12. Dickman, A., Bickerstaff, M., Jackson, R., Schneider, J., Mason, S. & Ellershaw, J. Identification of drug combinations administered by continuous subcutaneous infusion that require analysis for compatibility and stability. BMC Palliative Care. 2017;16(22):1-7.
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